Our liver "babies" Yman & Diego entered champion class at Internatinal dog show Ceske Budejovice - CZ
Judge: breed specialist. Staniclava Janická /ze Sulické Tvrze kennel/
Výborná 2 res CAC s plným CAC-om
posudzovala- špecialistka na plemeno: Stanislava Janická /CZ: 3,5 letá fena, hnedonos, typická hlava, správny dlouhý rámec, krásne predhrudí, pekný pohyb
/- potrebujeme už len 1 cac na českého šampiona :)/
Ch- Dreamed Yman by Luanda - CC from IDS Ceske Budejovice
Judgement: 3,5 years old female, livernose, typical head, correct body shape, beautiful front, nice movemet
Our gorgeous liver boy Ch- Diego el Primo by Luanda at IDS Ceske Budejovice/ CZ in champion class: Excellent 2 res CAC in a very strong champion class
judgement: 3years old male, strong in body, liver nose, typical head, dry neck, balanced representative of the breed, beautiful long body frame, elegant in movement
26.04.2014 IDS -České Budějovice -Yman & Diego
Návštevy: 1614