After a long night without sleeping we welcomed to our home the wonderful 11 G-team :)
Lexi gave birth to 11 puppies: 7boys 4girls. 4puppies around 400gr, and other 7 puppies over 500gr.. thats why she had such a big belly!
All Puppies are with ridges, all boys in standard - show qual. - 1 girl standard show qual., 1 girl - multicrowns, and 2girls slightly kinked tail.
No DS fount at the moment.
Po prebdenej dlhej noci naša Lexinka priviedla na svet krásnu futbalovú 11-stku!
7chlapcov a 4dievčatká - 4šteniatka cca 400gr a ďalšie sa pohybovali s váhou okolo 500gr, preto mala Lexi také veľké "balenie" :).
Všetky šteniatka sú s ridgmi, všetci chlapci štandard, dievčatká: 1štandard, 1multikorunky a 2 majú jemné zálomky.
DS nenájdený.
02.03.2015 - G - team is HERE !!!
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