15.09.2017 - Specialty SKCHR - Nessy, Ozzy, Elis, Filli, Yman

Our LUANDA team participated the Slovakian Ridgeback Specialty - judged by breed specialist Monika Pehr:
Minor puppy class:
Hennessey Sunrise by Luanda *Nessy* -
Very promissing 1 *** BISS Minor puppy***
BEST RIDGE - 1st place
BEST YOUNG HEAD female - 3th place
Hot ´N Wild by Luanda *Ozzy*
Very promissing 2
BEST YOUNG HEAD male - 1st pace
Champion class:
Grand Ch Ch Follow my Heart by Luanda *Elis* - Excellent 4
Pet class: Flash of Light by Luanda - Excellent 3
and this time I took my liver sweet Ch Dreamed Yman by Luanda /6 years old/ - mam of Nessy, Ozzy, Elis, Filli - who compeeted in Honour class with Excellent 1st place & BEST MOVEMENT -3th place

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Filli & Ozzy

I want to THANKs so much my dear friends Lea, Boris, Michal for helping me with Ymi & Nessy the all day and also with handling in final ring with my girls, and compeeting... thanks you made my day dears !!!

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