At the moment our C.I.B.* Grand Ch, Multi Ch, Multi Winner, Ch of Ch, JCh Hennessey Sunrise by Luanda is in her best days for our puppy plans Spring 2020.
Due to actual situation with covid -19, we postponed our planned litter for the end of the year, or later when the situation will be better for all. Best wishes to all friends, and interested new puppy owners and stay all healthy
Naša Nessy je práve v jej najlepších dňoch na krytie. Vzhľadom k aktuálnej situácii s covid-19 sme sa rozhodli náš plánovaný jarný vrh odložiť na koniec roka 2020, alebo na neskôr. Zostaňte zdraví priatelia!
Novinky 2020
Puppy plans for SPRING 2020 -CANCELED
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