Our litters

M - litter PLANNED for SUMMER 2024
L -litter  *17.07.2022
12 puppies: 8 boys + 4females
1 boy & 1mtlicrowns in ridge / 2boys +1girl block in the tail
small white marks, 1boy had DS on the tail root - operated
 C.I.B., Multi Grand Ch, Multi Ch
Hennessey Sunrise by Luanda00 Nessy 4yearsIMG 5806
  CIB, Multi Ch, Multi Club winner
Erebos Arte Cassari (SK)0maxi small IMG 8611 2
K - vrh *15.04.2022
11 puppies: 6 boys + 5 females
All puppies with ridge (1boy multicrowns, 1shorter ridge),
no DS detected, 1girl-kinked tail, minimum white marks
 C.I.B., Multi Grand Ch, Multi Ch
Hennessey Sunrise by Luanda
00 Nessy 4yearsIMG 5806
BISS, C.I.B. Multi Ch
Gens Julia Must Have ( Taliansko)
0maxi small IMG 8611 2

J - vrh * 13.01.2021

8 puppies: 5boys + 3 girls
all puppies with ridge, 1boy overshot, 1x block in the tail
2 boys +1girl multicrowns, no DS
 C.I.B., Multi Grand Ch, Multi Ch
Hennessey Sunrise by Luanda
Kangelanis sadiki by red 07
 CIB, Multi Ch
Kangelani´s Sadiki by Red (Nórsko)
Kangelanis sadiki by red 07

I-litter *25.03.2018

3 puppies: 2 puppies - both liver noses, 1girl - 1more crown extra in ridge -black nose
all puppies corect ridge, no DS, 2 x block on tail
 Mutli Ch
Dreamed Yman by Luanda
00 IMG 1284

Haiba Kaisoon Dodger Designed by Diesel (Nemecko)
dodger KvK 1

H-litter *
4 puppies: 2boys  /  2girls -1girl with liver nose
all  puppies ridge, no DS
  Mutli Ch
Dreamed Yman by Luanda
dreamed yman by luanda
 BISS, C.I.B., Multi Ch
Jelany Red Djimbo Farey (Rusko)
24.10.2014 eds cz

G-litter *02.03.2015

11 šteniat 7psíkov/4sučky
všetky šteniatka ridge, bez DS, 2 sučky multikorunky +z nich 1 zálomok
  C.I.B., Multi Grand Ch, Multi Ch, Multi JCh, Multi Winner
Alexis Femme Fatale Luanda
WW cubi
C.I.B.,  Multi Ch
Kadamo It´s Now or Never (import Švédsko)
Elvis 2 2014 031 w

F -litter *13.11.2014

9 šteniatok: 4 x psík, 5 x sučka
všetky šteniatka s ridge, žiaden DS, 1 dievčatko zálomok na chvostíku
  Mutli Ch
Dreamed Yman by Luanda
dreamed yman by luanda
 C.I.B., Multi Ch
Azizi Nille KwaNyoni (Česká republika)
azizi nille kwa nyoni1

  E -litter * 21.09.2012

10 šteniatok: 7dievčat (2hnedonosé), 3chlapci (2 hnedonosí)
Všetky s ridge, jedno dievčatko s čiernym nosom má v ridgi viac koruniek.
Žiaden DS ani zálomky.
 C.I.B., Multi Grand Ch, Multi Ch, Multi JCh, Multi Winner
Alexis Femme Fatale Luanda
alexis femme fatale luanda00web800px IMG 1287
 Champion of Germany
Mocca de Chasse Gando (Nemecko)Eddi 9

D -litter * 01.01.2011

9 šteniatok
6 dievčat/ 3 chlapcov
Dievčatká: 3x hnedonosé (z toho 2 multikorunky), 3x čienry nos (1 multikorunky)
Chlapci: 1x čierny nos, 2x hnedonosé (z toho 1x multikorunky)
žiaden zálomok na chvostíku ani Dermoid sinus
 BISS, C.I.B., Multi Grand Ch, Multi Ch, Multi Winner
Hillvalley´s Angel for Luanda
Ani spring hptos March07 IMG 3282
Champion of Canada & USA
Thornberry Akala ( Kanada )Akala IMG 1385small copy

C-litter 24.12.2010

12 šteniatok - 5 dievčatok, 7 chlapcov - z toho 6 hneodnosých!
Všetky šteniatka majú korektné ridge okrem jedného dievčatka /tá má multikorunky a jemne zalomený chvostík, + 1 dievčatko má tiež zalomený chvostík
žiaden DS
 C.I.B., Multi Grand Ch, Multi Ch, Multi JCh, Multi Winner
Alexis Femme Fatale Luanda
alexis ff luanda
Champion of Canada & USA
Thornberry Akala ( Kanada )
Akala IMG 9359 upr

B- litter *03.03.2010

(Arifical insemination -frozen semen)
1 - female /3crowns in ridge
BISS, C.I.B., Multi Grand Ch, Multi Ch, Multi Winner
Hillvalley´s Angel for Luanda
Ani spring hptos March07 IMG 3282
Champion of Canada & USA
Thornberry Akala ( Kanada )Akala IMG 1385small copy

A-litter * 18.03.2008

14 šteniat
Narodené 14 (9/5) 13 x štandardný ridge , 1 x multi- korunky /1 dievčatko narodené mŕtve - udusené v pôrodných cestách/
zostalo 13 šteniatok - 5 chlapcov / 8 dievčat - 2 chlapcia 3 dievčatká - hnedonosé
krásne sfarbené, minimum bielej, žiaden DS ani zálomok
BISS, C.I.B., Multi Grand Ch, Multi Ch, Multi Winner
Hillvalley´s Angel for Luanda
IMG 0008
WW, C.I.B., Multi Champion
Emoyeni´s Grand zuberi ( Švédsko)

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