What a show weekend in Kassel for our boy CUBI / Lexi x Elvis - G- litter!!!
05.12. and 06.12.2015 the national and international dog show in Kassel.
Got the Soul by Luanda it's CUBI DOB 02.03.2015
CH Kadamo it's Now or Never + Multi. CH Alexis Femme Fatale Luanda
As icing on the cake he also won the BEST JUNIOR title05.12.2015 Cubi : Judge Mr. Krol Piotr, 75 entries at all, exc. 2 with res. jCAC VDH and res. jCAC RRCD
06.12.2015 Cubi: Judge Mrs. Riedel Marion, 120 entries at all, exc.1, jCAC VDH, BEST JUNIOR OF BREED!!!
Cubi -exp. Germany - rocked the show rings in KASSEL !
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