Novinky -archív
Our beloved girl Ch. Dreamed Yman by Luanda is 4years old today! /at the pict 8wks old/
She is from our D-litter so we want to wish all our D-team lots of more happy days with your nice families !
Naša milovaná hnedonoska Yman má dnes 4 ročky... ako ten čas letí ! Spolu s ňou oslavujú narodeniny aj všetky naše šteniatka s D-vrhu!
Prajeme Vám veľa šťastných dní prežitých so svojimi skvelými rodinami!
Our papies names and stack pictures at the age 7wks.
Šteniatka už majú papierové mená a robili sme nové postojovky zo 7týždňa.
Flaming Ace by Luanda![]() |
Fadil Nallah by Luanda![]() |
Falco Asan by Luanda![]() |
Flash of Light by Luanda![]() |
First Class by Luanda![]() |
Fatal Beauty by Luanda![]() |
Flaming Glory by Luanda![]() |
Follow my Heart by Luanda![]() |
Final Fantasy by Luanda![]() |
4years ago we had a very bussy Christmas time !
Our C-litter came to the world!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY my dear puppies !!! Lots of love, health and happy days with your wonderful families !!!
Merry Christmas to all our friends and visitors ! Šťastné Vianoce všetkým !!!
We had a Christmas photoshooting with our puppies -they are already 6weeks old - to see more photos click here :) !
Mali sme Vianočné fotenie s našimi už 6týždňovými šteniatkami. Viac foto TU!
Our F-team start to learn many more things, and for the first time we were outside:) ... have a look at our 5weeks old photogallery :) .
Naučili sme sa veľa novźcg vecí a prvý krát sme boli aj vonku :) - viď - fotogaléria 5týždeň .
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Some more photos of our lovely puppies !
Pridávam ďalšie fotografie našich šteniatok
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