5 years ago we welcomed to the world the ONLY ONE - special puppy girl from Artifical Insemination /Ani x Akala/
Bellissima Nell by Luanda - KAMI - export CZ, know also as IRON Dog and sporty girl :)
Thanks to her wonderful family for such a wonderful home you gave her !!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEATHEART !!!
Novinky -archív
After a long night without sleeping we welcomed to our home the wonderful 11 G-team :)
Lexi gave birth to 11 puppies: 7boys 4girls. 4puppies around 400gr, and other 7 puppies over 500gr.. thats why she had such a big belly!
All Puppies are with ridges, all boys in standard - show qual. - 1 girl standard show qual., 1 girl - multicrowns, and 2girls slightly kinked tail.
No DS fount at the moment.
Po prebdenej dlhej noci naša Lexinka priviedla na svet krásnu futbalovú 11-stku!
7chlapcov a 4dievčatká - 4šteniatka cca 400gr a ďalšie sa pohybovali s váhou okolo 500gr, preto mala Lexi také veľké "balenie" :).
Všetky šteniatka sú s ridgmi, všetci chlapci štandard, dievčatká: 1štandard, 1multikorunky a 2 majú jemné zálomky.
DS nenájdený.
After a long pause of showing, me and our 3months old baby "Fatal Beauty by Luanda" - WINNIE came back to a puppy class and both days did wonderful job!
28.02.2015 -minor puppy class- Very promissing 1 /4 judge: Piskay V. - BEST in GROUP 3 - judge: Jílková Zdenka
01.03.2015 -minor puppy class- Very promissing 1/ 3 judge: Václavík
We are pleassed to introduce you parents of our litter. Predstavujeme rodičov nášho G - vrhu!
SIR: BISS, Ch CZ, CH KCHRR - Kadamo It´s Now or Never *Elvis* x ICh Grand Ch, Multi Ch, NW, East.W, Multi W - Alexis Femme Fatale Luanda *Lexi* - the mother of many champions + BISS !!!
This is Lexi´s LAST litter. Puppies are expected due beginning March 2015.
Unstopable Zoe - a daughter of our Lexi x Eddi exported to Sweden rocked the show ring in a big style AGAIN :)
Amazing KBHV-13 HeJW-13 NJW-13 JW-13 V-13 NORDV-14 NOUCH NORDUCH Empress Zoë By Luanda
BOB and BOG-4 in Fredricia!
Thanks Tina + Marianne & Bo Mollstam for such a wonderful job !!! I am on cloud 9 !!!!
8 of puppies has new stacked photos at the age 9wks old - 9th puppy is mr white "Falco Asan by Luanda" who has already stole all hearts in his new family :) Happy me :) !!!
8 šteniatok má nové fotky v postojoch - 9-ty biely chlapček- si už získal všetky srdiečka v jeho novej rodinke! :)