Our babies in stacked positions + portraits + ridges - AVAILABLE show Quality puppies!
Thanks to my dear friend Michaela Reitschmiedova - who helped me to do photos of our babies <3
Naše šteniatka v postoji + portréty + ridge! Máme voľné šteniatka - píšte, volajte 0907 44 77 87!
Ďakujem mojej drahej priateľke Miške Reitschmiedovej, ktorá mi moc pomohla pri tomto fotení <3.
Novinky -archív
we are 3weeks old, we started to play together :)
More photos of 3wks old babies here ... some of puppies AVAILABLE.
Máme 3týždne. V puppy boxe okrem jedenia už pobehujeme a začíname sa navzájom okusavať a hrať spolu :).
Máme voľné šteniatka !!!
Viac foto z 3týždňov našich mimi nájdete tu:
We are 2weeks old - all of us were for the first time dewormed.
We have open eyes, and we try to walk ... other things we do, is sleeping and we are still bussy at the milk bar ;)
more photos of 2nd week is here
day 18 - we are triing to walk, bark, and all of us have eyes opened .... a big progress ;)
Empress Zoe by Luanda Nordic winner, Norwegian Champion, BOS and CACIB.
Handled by her proud owner Marianne :)
Our darling Yman at the 60day of the pregnancy started the delivery of our F-team at the lunch time...
She brought to the world very easily 9 gorgeous puppies, 4boys and 5girls.
All puppies have correct ridges, minimum white, all correct expect one boy with a small kinked tail.
We are extremly happy and over the moon! What a mom is our Yman! What an amazing litter she brought to the world!, Thank you my beloved girl!
a smal video of our F - team at the "milk bar" is here :)